23 May 2011

Adaptive Use Musical Instruments

Pauline Oliveros, composer and performer and founder/executive director of the Deep Listening Institute, teamed up with music therapists and music technologists to create software to help the extremely disabled. Adaptive Use Musical Instruments, as it's called, is software written in Max/MSP that allows even persons with extremely limited mobility to create music expressively. Using only the camera embedded on the laptop and no extra hardware, the software turns motion captured to with a laptop into music.

19 May 2011

NIME 2010

A link to our paper from NIME 2010, "Sonic Virtual Reality Game: How does your body sound?"
That's an official publication!

And as a side note, a mocha from the street cafes of Sydney would be divine right now.

17 May 2011

Funky Forest by Theo Watson

Going through kinect hacks on Sumer Day 1, and I found this creative project that sets up a motion activated environment where children create trees with their bodies and keep them watered by diverting water from a nearby waterfall. This mediated environment sets up interactions that are inherently motivating for children - a great way to frame a project's engaging component.