17 November 2011

Thesis = passed!

See the final product at:

09 November 2011

MIST Freesound.org attribution

Freesound.org is a fantastic web community where you can easily find creative common licensed sounds. Many of the sounds from the MIST project came from freesound. This is a complete listing of the sounds used in that project. Links to follow soon!

Scuba_tanks_Breathing_dive.WAV by ben_jamin0
01659 underwater sinking.wav by Robinhood76
01650 underwater bubbles.wav by Robinhood76
Scuba 1.mp3 by digifishmusic
seagulls.WAV by inchadney
KD-rideb.wav by atomwrath
Samba Percussion Pack by plotzki
S: X Tamp 2BAR E.aiff by plotzki
Conga Loop 1 by sandyrb
Loop1bar01 by kwazi
Running_water_bubbles_02 by kijjaz
Shipsbell by acclivity
Whale_sex.wav by ScottMan
shaker-woda-conga-bongo-templeblock.wav by kwazi
200703101950pacificchorusfrogs1.wav by daveincama
morning-in-the-forest-2007-04-15.wav by reinsamba